New activity history functionality

Written by charon
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This weekend, I put a useful new feature online. In the top right-hand corner of the site, in the user menu when you're logged in to your account, a link to an activity history has been added.

When troubleshooting users after the installation of an unsuitable driver, I've found that they're often unable to specify which drivers they've installed, which makes troubleshooting more difficult.

From now on, the various actions on the website are recorded in the user's account, so it's easy to see what's been done.

It is also possible to go back in time with a calendar to visualize the various actions. A summary of user statistics has also been set up.

For the moment, I only manage three types of action, but others may appear in the future:

  • new configuration uploaded,
  • deleted configuration,
  • manual and semi-automatic driver downloads via the driver service.

In addition, I've corrected a problem introduced over the weekend that prevented account creation.

Finally, I've optimized compilation performance during website deployments.